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This was a project that i started back in 2019 to explore the indigenous way to celebrate religious believes, however this short documentary evolved into what is now “CURANDERO”, it now focuses on the one (non catholic) ritual that all of these RELIGIOUS festivities have in common. “the payment to mother earth”. The film focuses on “Juan”, because he is one of the last generation of curanderos or shamans in this region, this film reflects on the ways and struggles of the indigenous people of this part of the Peruvian “sierra”.

CURANDERO, is a Peruvian short documentary directed by Mauricio Bellido.

The film follows a Curandero (Shaman) called Juan, in the ritual known as PACHAMAMA, one of the most famous rituals in the Peruvian culture, which according to the Catholic church is a PAGAN rite, however through the practice called SYNCRETISM, this ceremony is merged with the Catholic religion, creating a unique and magical experience.